
Showing posts from October, 2019

Pablo’s ranch

So pablo has to go feed his horses at night. But when we got there my friend sal decided he wanted to take a picture on the horse. He got in the horse with no saddle and the horse was calm at first. But right after taking the picture the horse ran and sal my friend fell on the ground. At the moment we were asking if he was okay and after he said yes. We started laughing and everything was okay.

Thanks pablo 🙏🏾

I finally figured out how to do my blog posts thanks to pablo. This is pretty fun and easy to have now that I understand how to use it.

The road not taken

The pedestrian

Ray Bradbury wrote a story that is difficult for me to understand. But hwat I got from it was a man named Leonard mead was a guy that likes taking walks. One night when he was walking in the middle of the night soon after a cop car pulled up behind him. Then he started to question him. Leonard was calm but was smart about his replys. His responses didn’t please the officer and he was arrested and took for the night. The tone I felt was a cry for help for injustice with law enforcement.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog posts