Ready to read Dr. Preston

    When I entered into the class I’m august 20 I was afraid to see my new English class. I was just startled like anyone else in their first day of school. I was really excited to meet my new teacher just like any other year. Once I walked in I lost my hype I was feeling normal like any other year.
    When he told us about our options for how the class was going I knew it was going to be different. I wasn’t sure what the options were going to be like but everyone seemed excited about open source learning. I knew Dr. Preston would have a great amount of trust in us when he walked out of the class to let us decide. Open source learning was new to me because it would always have our work saved. So we chose open source learning and it was going to be new to us.
     Something that was challenging to me was learning how to use open source. It was hard for me because I did not have a routine to get into everyday. I first needed to find that routine. I first learned how to post blogs when it was kinda late but not super late. Something that was hard for me to get in the routine of was to do journals. Journals was probably the hardest challenge for me because I didn’t do them without someone telling me about it.
     When I felt the most tension was when soccer season was going to start. I needed to get the best grade I could for the class. So what I did was do about 25 blog posts in a night it was something that I brought to myself but I finished a lot of my work. Trying to get my grade up was the most tensing because I knew I had to find my routine as fast as possible. After I finished that work I felt so much relief and proud because I had found my routine.
    When soccer season started was when I found my routine. It was really my motivation to keep up with my work so I could play. I felt proud because I had found the way to keep up with my work. I try to keep up with my blog posts now and I think I’m doing a pretty good job with that.
     I’m a different learner now because I have more technology skills. I have learned how to communicate with people through open source learning and get different ideas. I think the spring semester will be really good to me because I have already got used to the blog posting. Now I just really need to focus on journal topics. I feel like a different learner now because I have expanded my knowledge through open source learning.


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